23 July 2018
Advantages of a Dental Implant
24 July 2018

Smiling Freely

A sincere, cordial smile is the fundamental principle of communication. It helps you to create a noticeable difference and value not only in your private and social life, but also in your business career.  What if I told you that a cordial, warm smile can even influence countries’ politics?

Date   : 12April1961, first human in outer space!

Gherman Stepanovich Titov and Yuri Gagarin. They are two of the most important Soviet heroes of space history. During the Cold War period, the fierce space competition between the USSR and USA; USSR was having a difficult time selecting the cosmonaut to send to outer space. Both men had passed all trainings successfully. Both candidates wereextremely successful, talented and also keen. Most people even seemed to think that Titov was a cut above Gagarin.

The tough decision was not made until the day when the first journey would take place in April 1961.Finally, a couple of hours before the spacecraft would take off, Soviet air forcescommandermade his final decision and announced that the first human in outer space would be Yuri Gagarin.

But why was Titov not selected? Why did they choose Gagarin?

Resources claim that it was only because Gagarin “had a nicer smile” and that Titov’s serious attitude was not very appealing for others.People suggest that the most important reason for selecting Gagarinwas because of his adorable, sincere face and his smile where he showed his teeth, since it would be more useful for Soviet propaganda.  Even though the space odyssey would end in failure,still the cosmonaut coming out of the space shuttle with a smile would create a positive impact on the people, and this is why Gagarin was chosen.

This is an example from the pages of history where we see that a smiling face spreads positive energy and it is able to affect people in business life and also public at large. So, a smile makes all the difference in social life!

For you to smile freely, you surely need to have healthy and stunning teeth and gums.

Here is to healthy days full of laughter…

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